Green bean processing line

Sweere can provide a complete green beans processing solution that is custom made to suit your needs. Just take a look at the individual machinery at the green bean processing section. If you provide a detailed description of your requirements we will provide you with a suitable solution.

We are highly experienced in building these processing lines, for all capacities and wants.

The following will be removed from the beans during the processing of green beans:
- Clustered beans (connected by the stem)
- Light parts (leaves, stems, small beans, etc.)
- Heavy parts (stones, clods, etc.)
- Broken beans
- Crooked beans
- Short or thin beans
- Beans with spots (brown spots, damage, etc.)

Also the product can be washed, dried and manually inspected if needed.

Request information


Contact us for more information by clicking the "Request information" link above. You can also give us a call at: +31 (0) 165 315 536.

Request information

First name

Sweere Machinery B.V. and Sweere Harvesting B.V.
Oudlandsedijk 8a
4731 TB Oudenbosch
The Netherlands
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